


The NHTSA launched a new probe into the adequacy of a two-million vehicle recall in December, after discovering more crashes linked to the controversial technology.
The White House is reversing course after weighing the health benefits of the ban against the political risk of angering Black voters.
The board is considering installing a committee of top executives to run the company on an interim basis as turmoil over sale talks deepens.
Remy Cointreau posted fourth-quarter sales slightly ahead of views, as it saw a better-than-expected performance in China, but continued to destock in the U.S.
The London-listed mining giant said the bid “significantly undervalues” the company, setting the stage for a potential bidding war.
CVC jumped on the first day of trading on Amsterdam’s stock exchange, after it priced its IPO at the mid point of its previously guided range, implying a market capitalization of $15 billion.
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